What is Record Store Day

This post is co-written by our editors and YooCare.

The Earliest Vehicle: Seeing Sound

In 1857, a French scientist named Leon Scott invented a machine called the ‘acoustic vibrometer’. This machine was the originator of the tape recorder. We know that sound is produced by vibration, and this machine, through a layer of membrane that vibrates with sound waves like the eardrum of the human ear, and a pig bristle, could convert the energy produced by sound vibration into a thin, twisted line, which was inscribed on a piece of soot paper. It was the first time that man had transformed hearing into sight. This acoustic vibrometer, however, merely recorded the fluctuations of sound on a flat surface; it did not play them back. Fast forward 20 years to 1877, and Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb and the telephone, was working in his laboratory on ways to improve telephone and telegraph technology when he observed that a vibrating diaphragm caused the tip of a needle to leave traces on a soft surface when sound was passed through a telephone microphone. He then thought that if he could find a way to record these traces and make them playable, it would be possible to invent a machine for recording and replaying sound. He then embarked on a series of experiments with his assistants, and finally invented the phonograph, the first tape recorder in the true sense of the word for human beings.
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How to Use Apps for Better Information Management

In today’s article, we will mainly expand on my previous article Information Management, focusing on the information acquisition stage, inventorying and discussing tools for efficient information acquisition. As for finding and filtering quality information, it is an important topic of information literacy and needs to be analyzed in a separate article. In addition, since RSS has been discussed in many previous articles, we will not discuss it specifically.
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Completely Uninstall JetBrains apps with AppUninstaller.com’s App Uninstaller 2023

AppUninstaller.com is announcing the new release of App Uninstaller 2023, with new removal capability for nearly 1,000 new apps and app updates as well as core fixes for better overall performance. For years, App Uninstaller has been the favorite go-to Mc app uninstaller for everyone to use on Mac computers. With these new features and improvement, App Uninstaller 2023 is able to completely uninstall all JetBrains apps of either legacy or latest versions with ease, including JetBrains Fleet, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, Rider, CLion, Datalore, DataSpell, DataGrip, RubyMine, AppCode, GoLand, ReSharper C++, dotPeek, dotTrace, dotMemory and dotCover.
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